Volunteer Thank You Afternoon Tea

The Year 4 and 5 students grew delicious vegetables and made yummy delights. Their efforts saw them produce delectable items such as beetroot and chocolate muffins, zucchini and chocolate cake along with rocket and chickpea dip to share with the volunteers of the Kitchen Garden Program (KGP) at a special thank you afternoon tea. Without the wonderful volunteers the program could not exist, again we thank you.
If you would like to volunteer please go to the Bilaik website to the “What’s On” tab and then “Bialik College Kitchen Garden” which is a link to the blog where you can sign up to volunteer spot for the KGP.

Fun in the Kitchen Garden 5B


On Friday the 7th of May, we had our first garden lesson with the chickens. Everyone was crowding around them, we all were so excited to meet them. After that, Julie explained what to do in the garden and we loved it. Also, everyone had a turn to go in to the chicken coop. The chickens seemed a little scared as the whole class tried to pick them up. It was fun and a great experience!


Every second Tuesday, we have a spectacular ‘kitchen garden’ lesson. We cook yummy foods. For example, pesto pasta, Pita with dips and julianne carrots, sring onion patties, and beans with fetta. It is a lot of fun, because we get to cook and eat the food, which makes it amazing. Some of the parents come to help us cook in the kitchen. We wonder what we will cook next fortnight.

Sian and Shosti 5B

Kitchen Garden Program

In the garden, the Year 4s and 5s plant and harvest fruits and vegetables.  We all can cook the foods in the kitchen and then we eat the food that we cooked. This week we made pasta with pesto, pita crisps with carrot and a dip, we also made spring onion patties. It was delicious.             

5B went to the garden when the chooks had arrived. Everyone was excited. We could not wait to go to the pen to meet and see them. We use the eggs that the chooks lay to cook with in the kitchen. The scraps and leftovers go directly to feed the chooks or into the compost, so nothing goes to waste.

By Scarlett and Blake 5B


Chook Chaos

The second our class, 5B, arrived at the Kitchen Garden our whole class ran off to look at the chooks! They finally arrived on Tuesday May the 28th. There are 4 females. The male chook sare called roosters. The female chooks are called hens. There are 4 different garden groups per class and each group got a chance to go inside and look at the chooks. Some of the class fed the chooks roots of plants. The chooks loved the plants. Everybody started to crowd around the chooks pen, the chickens all fought to get the roots! When the chooks lay eggs, we go and collect them to use in the kitchen! You should definitely go and check out the wonderful chooks at Bialik College.

By Ava and Ethan 5B

.The Chicken Pen!The Chooks!




Kitchen Garden

Kitchen Chaos.

Every 2 weeks on a Tuesday, we have a kitchen lesson. In our groups we cook different foods.  After they’re cooked and everything is cleaned, we get to eat all the food. This week, we made Pesto Pasta. We actually made it from dough. Some weeks we make desserts for example, mini cheese cakes. Every week we make healthy foods. This week, we made a delicious bean, fetta and dill dish.

The Chooks Have Finally Arrived at Bialik College

Every 2 weeks on a Friday, we have a garden lesson. In our groups we plant and harvest different fruit and vegetables. We also collect worm tea from the worms. A few groups fed the chooks and one group collected the eggs. All of the chooks were running all over the place. It was so much fun.


by Josh and Toby.L 5B

Cooking With Greens!

On Monday 3rd of June we had our kitchen class!

The menu was:

Fettuccine pasta which needed to get shredded before we could eat it. We made a basil pesto sauce that went with the pasta it was so delicious!

When we fried the spring onion patties you had to have golden and crispy sides. It was so yummy and CRISPY! We learnt that when you cut spring onions you can’t use the white part and the green ends.

Carrot, pita and a rocket and chickpea dip. The carrots were cut in a julienne style.

We wonder what we will produce in the kitchen next time!

Thank you to the volunteers for coming to the kitchen and helping us make the delicious food!

By Jaime and Jack from 5C

Nova Peris visits the Bialik Kitchen Garden

“I had a dream as a kid. Do you know what it means to have a dream?”

This is the question Nova Peris, (the Indigenous gold medallist athlete and, hopefully, soon to be the first Indigenous Senator) asked some of our lucky Year 6, 7 and 9 Bialik students when they met her on Friday 24 May.

This visit to Bialik was truly inspirational and Nova explained to our students that if you inspirational and Nova explained to our students that if you have a dream, you must pursue it and you can only achieve it through determination, perseverance and courage. Nova Peris is a wonderful great role-model to us all and we are truly grateful to have had the opportunity to meet her.

4C’s Garden

4C’s Kitchen Garden Session

When I walked into the fresh smelling garden there was a big surprise waiting for all of us. The chickens had finally arrived! Lucca

It was a sunny, late morning. I was excited after recess knowing I had a Garden lesson. When I walked in I saw a adults around the garden beds. Kevin and Steve were doing something in the chook pen and I saw some chickens. Julie discussed with us what we were doing today. Marley

As we were lining up to go into the chook shed I felt excited. Our teacher had to put her foot out so that the chickens wouldn’t escape. Sam and Marley tipped out a bag of food scraps for them to eat. I watched how one chicken stayed back because it was less dominant than the other three.  Jessica

My group was in charge of taking the temperature of the soil. There was a piece of paper that we recorded the temperature on. All of the beds had a similar temperature because they were all next to each other. After we all got to plant one tomato seedling each. They were very small. Amber

Teacher Naomi read out what group was doing what. I am in Group Four, we had to plant the potatoes. We made a hole in the ground and put the eye of the potato facing up. Each potato had to be planted a hand span apart. Paris

In conclusion I had a really fun time. My highlight was that I got to meet the chickens. My dislike was that near the wooden soil tubs there was manure. The lesson today was FUN!