2019/2020 Digital Bialik and Student Learning

Year 5 Garden lesson     

L.I To explain food waste and develop practical strategies for how we can reduce food waste at home/school and use locally grown fresh produce.

Learning opportunities

Start of lesson –

  1. Watch Behind The News “Food Wasteclip (3.40 mins) and then answer the following questions in all of your learning in your KGP Book Creator.


  1. Write down 3 main points raised in the Food Waste short video that you just watched.
  2. About how many kilograms of food does each Australian throw away every year?
  3. List 3-4 reasons why food is wasted.
  4. Why are some fruit and vegetables rejected by shops?
  5. What do you think can be done to reduce the amount of food wasted?
  6. How has your thinking changed since watching the BtN story? Explain your thinking using the thinking routine “I used to think….Now I think…….”

Year 5 Kitchen 2 lessons

CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING FROM A,B,C and document all of your learning in your KGP Book Creator 

  1. Food diary and food waste 
  1. Put yourself into one of the following categories: Are you someone who wastes: very little food, some food or a lot of food.
  2. Write down all the food you throw out over the next 3 days (you may like to create a table to record the information) include –
  • The amount and type of food that is thrown away at the end of each meal
  • Where you are throwing these items e.g. into a rubbish bin, compost bin, worm farm
  • Food that is past it’s used by date or has gone bad in the fridge or pantry


  1. At the end of the 3 days –
  • Put yourself into one of the following categories: Are you someone who wastes – Very little food, Some food, A lot of food
  • List the reasons why you threw food away.
  • What are some strategies to help people cut down on food waste at home? Consider the following:  meal planning, storage of food, portion size
  • Has the category you put yourself into at the beginning of the activity changed?


  1. Read and watch 3 of the very interesting episodes of this awesome food education resource ‘Phenomenom’ and write down 3 main points raised in each of the stories or articles you have chosen.


B Regrowing Food using Kitchen Scraps

1.Re-grow seasonal vegetables in the kitchen that you would normally go to compost or even throw in the bin eg. lettuce, carrot, spring onion, celery, beetroot, coriander, etc.

  1. Read and watch 3 of the very interesting episodes of this awesome food education resource ‘Phenomenom’ and write down 3 main points raised in each of the stories articles.
  • Make sure you take a photo at each step and include it your KGP book creator and/or film yourself.


  1. Cook at home under adult supervision

The recipes below use fresh, seasonal produce that is currently ready to harvest in our school garden.

Choose one of the following recipes below to cook under adult supervision. Feel free to swap ingredients, depending on what you have available.

Recipe links:

1) Vegetarian Fried Rice*

2) Leek, Potato and Greens Soup*

*If the above ingredients aren’t readily available due to lockdown, please Kitchen Garden Blog that uses appropriate seasonal vegetables you have at home OR use one of your favourite recipes.

  • Make sure you take a photo at each step and include it your KGP book creator and/or film yourself.


LESSON REFLECTION – Completed the routine “ I used to think……. Now I think”