
20/2/2014   – Our Bed Number 18
Today we planted five carrots and one beetroot in our garden we pulled out a lot of sage because it was dominating our whole bed we did not measure temperature because we were to busy harvesting sage. The sunflowers and capsicums that we planted last week were looking fantastic because of the great weather throughout the past week the sunflowers were approximately 10cm and as yellow as a butterfly’s wing. In these photos you will see a lot of sage sunflowers carrots and beetroot.

Kitchen garden reflection

During our first kitchen lesson, my mum came to help out. Our group was saucing the tomatoes. The reason being, that tomatoes are in season now and we had heaps of them, and also because we were thinking ahead. If we were going to make the sauce now, that meant that, it will be ready for when we want to use it. The exercise was SOO much fun !! We got tomato EVERYWHERE !!!!!!!!!!! We managed to fill four and a half bottles full of tomato sauce!! At the end, when we finally got to eat I was very impressed with today’s menu. Although we didn’t eat the sauce that we made I was really proud of all the other groups. There was tomato, feta and basil tarts (yum!!), there was vegetable rice (also yum!!), there was a quinoa salad with chickpeas, and apple and Beetroot muffins. Today’s lesson was awesome and I can’t wait until next lesson.

2014 and the Kitchen Garden Program in Full Swing

An incredibly warm welcome to 2014!!! The garden just gets bigger and better, as do the incredible smells and flavours from the student kitchen!

Over the summer months the garden has survived the extreme heat – probably better than some of us!! The students are very excited to see “the pumpkins plants going crazy and the pumpkins already so big!” The stunning “sunflowers are standing super tall”, the tomatoes are turning “green to red” the large variety of flavoursome herbs and “beetroots that are bigger than a softball”. We start to say goodbye to our strawberries and hello to apricots- yum!

Students continue to enjoy making their own pasta and tasty pasta sauces – kale pesto this fortnight! They will make salads of their imagination, all sorts of breads and pastries, pickled cucumbers and bottle tomatoes, just to name a few! All recipes can be found on this blog – enjoy!