
Teamwork is when you work together to accomplish a goal or a project. We used teamwork when we planted fruits and vegetables, to get everything done and in the correct place.

Our favourite memories are: Finding potatoes and pulling them out together, planting the cabbages, sorting and pulling out the beans – that really took all of us, and when we came back to school after the holidays and saw how much everything had grown.


There is no I in teamwork.

Teamwork is a crucial part of our garden lessons, because not only does it create a fun and inclusive environment, but it also shows the power of productiveness and teamwork.

Three of our favourite things from this garden semester are: Picking/harvesting different vegetables from our beds eg; pumpkins and eggplants. Learning about the variety’s of fruits and vegetables from our garden that we get to eat in kitchen. Being able to have the privilege and responsibility to have control over our own garden bed.

Audrey, Sunshine, Scarlett, Zac, Harvey and Ilai.


Harvesting is a process of collecting plants.

Harvesting all the delicious vegetables, fruit and herbs to cook amazing meals in the kitchen.

Our favourite memories from this semester are: finding a lot of potato’s that were all connected, Finding a ginormous zucchini, when it was a super hot day Julie turned the sprinklers on for us to cool down.

By Ethan, Ben, Lizie, Mika and Leah.

Garden memories

A word that describes garden is mulch because we use so much of it. We also use mulch for keeping plants warm.

A phrase that describes garden and our time is “teamwork makes the dream work” in the garden and the kitchen program because we will never get a good result without teamwork. We have limited time, and we have to harvest, plant, mulch and clean.

A sentence that is meaningful to us would be “Recycling makes reproduction” because it repurposes important recourses to help us survive. In recycling it has re- which means redo, cycle means a lifespan in an ongoing process.