Spring is in the air….. and Summer just around the corner!!!

The plants are  “shooting into the sky” as described by a Year 3 student. The artichoke flower is a clear favourite – looking at the photo you can tell why!!! Strawberries are a  plenty are being shared among all.

Students have fun “diving” into the broad bean plants to hunt for all the hidden beans. Sampling as they went was a must! Students also seed saved some of the beans to plant next winter. This process helps them understand the science of life cycles and impacts of weather for seed germination and seedling growth.

Photo above – 4A students displaying their brilliant team work As they turn the soil and add rock dust (crushed rock containing minerals and trace elements) to replenish nutrients in preparation for summer!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers the program would not succeed without you!!

Happy spring gardening,
