What’s happening

Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who have helped us to get the Kitchen Garden Program off to a great start this year. We thank you for your ongoing support and we hope the signing up process is easier for you to manage.

Coming up in the garden this week, the Grade 4’s will be honing their wheelbarrow and tool skills and will be helping to create a new garden outside of The Shuk. This is an exciting way to learn how to prepare small container gardens which will ensure harvesting herbs and salad ingredients will be a lot easier from the kitchen. Keep posted for photos of the students preparing their containers. Well done to 4B for creating some big containers and planting some scrumptious Cos Lettuce last week.

The Grade 5’s have started their science investigations and are looking at the wonderful world of seeds. A great way to start their journey for taking responsibility, and being aware of, how an organic garden thrives and survives. We are looking forward to keep on investigating what can be grown from seed and are eager to utilise those plants that have given us the chance to produce so much more food.

Look forward in the kitchen this week to be tasting our yummy, slightly irregular shaped, carrots! Our beetroots are ready for harvest and our basil will taste great with the many cherry tomatoes growing. The corn keeps growing and we have a few surprises coming like Golden Nugget Pumpkin, Sugar Snap Peas, Onions and Zucchini. For those that love their cucumbers, you will want to taste the sweetness of our amazing Apple Cucumbers and look forward to preserving some Pickling Cucumbers.

Look forward to seeing you outside and in the kitchen.

Take Care

The KGP Team.

Goodbye 2014

Well done to the 2014 Grade 5 Graduates on setting up the garden to ensure that fresh produce will be available to the next group of gardeners and chefs. They have worked really smart and hard to allow the garden to survive the loneliness of the summer holidays and allow it to flourish. The chickens will miss them but they are always welcome back anytime. Don’t forget us in Grade 6 and have a wonderful year and we hope you will take the skills and attitudes with you wherever you tread in this world.

Warm wishes from your teachers,

Nikki, Adam and Julie.

How Do We Use Our Senses In The Kitchen Garden Program?

5B were excited to write about the senses they used today in our kitchen class. Here are some fabulous examples of their writing:

Today we went to the garden and made delicious food. I heard the ripping of lettuce and the sizzling onions. I smelt smoky, burnt sunflower seeds and strong rocket. I felt soft lettuce and doughy bread. I saw mushy broad beans and grilled bread. I ate juicy oranges and delicious gnocchi. It’s so good to go to the kitchen, because it’s lots of fun and doesn’t happen a lot.

Harley Goldman

As I cooked I felt the leafy bumpy texture of the silver beet as I ripped them in half throwing away the stems. I heard the bang of all the knives slicing and dicing. I saw the boiling bubbles pop of all the pots and the laughter of all the children as they created. As we finished I tasted the long stringy cheese on the tasty gnocchi.

Tye Samuels

Today I went to the rare experience of the kitchen. The whole class cooked different amazing dishes. I saw popping seeds and a lot of parsley. I also saw some couscous and it looked very wet and soggy. I saw golden, burnt and raw seeds. I smelt the mean parsley, the smell that was not good at all! I also smelt snow peas, it smelt very good at the end. I heard the sizzling oven. I smelt the running of the tap. I touched a chunk of parsley. I also touched a bunch of spring onion. I could almost taste the watering broccoli. When I was drying dishes, I touched the sticky couscous. My experience at the kitchen was outstounding.

Mitchell Sharp

Today we have been in the kitchen and we smelled delicious gnocchi that looked disgusting but tasted amazing with barely anything being heard as we cooked. At the same time while all that was happening there were sesame seeds flying all over the kitchen. During the process there were two salads being made, one with amazing oranges and one with an untasty dressing (couscous salad). In other groups there was delicious bruschetta being made with broad beans.

Coby Gunn

In the exciting kitchen, we have explored many sensory words while having heaps of fun. Today I saw the golden seeds hopping in the pan as if they were on a tiny trampoline. I felt the joy of making delicious , fresh food. I inhaled some steam after opening the top to boiling, bubbling water. I heard the sizzling of the toasty warm bread. I tasted the soft broad beans igniting my tongue with flavour. I witnessed the whole class working as a team to make the kitchen beautiful. I touched the warm broccoli crumbling in my hands. I smelt the crispy bread being cooked to perfection.

Ayden Carp

As I entered the kitchen tempting smells were fluttering through the air like butterflies. I listened as Nikki described meals each group had to prepare. My group made smashed broad bean bruschetta. I was busy snapping and podding the broad beans, as the water boiled away on the stove. After all the broad beans were podded we put the broad beans into the pot to cook. I remember watching the broad beans float up to the surface of the water. The skin slipped off the beans like an old sock. The mortar and pestle created a steady beat while the beans few all over the place. This foodie tune was topped off with the occasional sizzle of bread as it toasted.

Lexi Patishman






Cooking Food For The Hungry!

This term, each class has been busy cooking in the kitchen and donating the meals to Fareshare, an organisation that provides food for people in need. The children have enjoyed packaging the food up and writing food labels and beautiful messages.

We all missed eating the delicious food that we prepared but felt good about donating it to those less fortunate than ourselves
