Year 4 Garden Reflections – I Used to Think… Now I know

I use to think plants produced the same amount of food each season
Now I think that plants produce food at different rates each season

I use to think men chickens were chickens
Now I think men chickens are roosters

I use to think the dirt, water and sun were the only things that help plants
Now I think that manure, shells, bottles and many more things help grow and protect plants

I use to think that plants were just placed together for no reason at all
Now I think that plants are placed together because they can use each other to grow stronger

I use to think farmers had a LOT of land
Now I think that all farmers only had a 32nd of earth

I use to think that people harvested food at the same times
Now I think that not all plants are ripe at the same time

I use to think we just planted plants at garden
Now I think that we maintain and look after all parts of the garden

Bialik Grandparents Morning Tea

Sharing the garden and our garden class was a highlight. Students of all ages wowed the visitors with their garden knowledge and tips -many grandparents left excited to try them at home!!! It was nice to see people of all ages appreciating the space and our efforts.

A fabulous event on so many levels!

5C’s Garden experiences


So far at Garden this year, we have been doing different fun jobs to help our garden grow. We have been learning about nurturing and caring for our seedlings and fully grown plants. Learning about this can help us figure out how to keep our plants safe so we have fresh crops to harvest and use in the Kitchen e.g. we use cracked egg shells to stop snails from eating our plants, and we use the whites and the yolk in kitchen. A lot of things we use in the Kitchen are from the garden that we have harvested in previous lessons. We shouldn’t completely rely on foods from markets near us because we are lucky to have such a wonderful garden. We have changed from our younger selves due to garden, as more responsibility has been put on us. In our garden beds, we have been planting seedlings of many different sizes which will eventually grow into strong, vibrant plants. We haven’t been doing this all on our own-we have parents and teachers to help us who are very generous, however, we would extremely appreciate more parents to volunteer!




We love growing potatoes!!!

Growing potatoes is a lot more complex than you think! You get a potato and wait until it gets eyes, which is a white sprout that comes out of the potato. When you see this it means it is ready to come out of the ground. If you leave it to grow eyes for longer, you’ll see these BIG brown balls which are the start of new potato plants!!!! Each potato can have up to 6 eyes -so up to six new potato plants!!! We berry the potato eyes at least 50cm to ensure they have lots of space to underground to grow potatoes.

5B Our Fabulous Garden

Our Garden Beds!

This year, each group in the garden has their own garden bed! Our garden bed is next to the pizza oven. We are choosing our own plants that go into the beds! Ours are-  sunny sunflowers, cabbagey cabbage, smelly spinach, yummy spring onion and loveable lettuce which we have planted to grow, harvest and then eat in our kitchen lessons.

We love our chooks!!

One of the best things of the kitchen garden is that we have three pet chickens to help us with the eggs! Every garden lesson, we collect the scraps from the canteen and feed it to them but don’t feed them the eggshells. We each get turns to feed them and take care of them in our groups for garden.


Bialik Kitchen Garden Program theme song  

Please click on the below link to listen to the Year 6 Bialik Vocal Ensemble singing the Bialik Kitchen Garden Program theme song. This catchy song promotes food and nutrition and was written by Julian Duband, one of our key music teachers. The song was recorded in the Bialik studio with sound engineer, Tim Spargo; all instruments are played digitally  using Logic Pro.

Bialik Kitchen Garden Program theme song

The below photo was taken at the launch of Bialik Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program the song was performed by Junior Choir lead by Audrey Fine. We hope you enjoy the music.


4B Garden Fun!

All our groups had our tasks explained to us in the beginning, then away we went! One exciting thing we had never done before was planting carrots. We never knew that the seeds were all on a string and we planted them 1 cm deep. We covered the seeds with soil and  we watered them with worm tea. Some of us cut off the big leaves from the pumpkin plants. The leaves take away all the nutrients so when the big leaves are cut off the pumpkin will grow much bigger.

We planted lettuce and then covered them with plastic bottles. We cut off some long celery stalks which will be used in the kitchen. The chooks were fed and we gathered 3 eggs. We were to put the kitchen scraps inside the chook pen and overgrown brussels sprout plants behind the pen. Some of us put the brussels sprout plants inside the pen! The chooks were not amused!