Grade 5’s sharing garden experiences with Grade 1’s

IMG_0464Here at Bialik, informal ways of engaging students from younger year levels is vital for both groups. For the older kids it deepens their understanding about the garden as they instruct the younger kids to get involved, answer questions and see things in new ways. For the younger kids it is an opportunity to learn from older more experienced students and new relationships based on admiration and respect are built upon. Well done Grade 5 for sharing your garden.

Kitchen Beds Near Shuk


Nate putting soil in the bed near the shuk


Photo of the plants going to get planted near the  shuk


Daniel and Felix turning the over soil


Hank and Dean turning and putting soil in the bed


Felix holding soil in shovel


Felix, Charlie and Kayla getting soil from the wheelbarow


Felix turning over soil


Volunteering Term 2 2015

Thank you all for attending our Kitchen and Garden classes this term. We always welcome constructive feedback and look forward to seeing you in Term 2.

Please find the following links for the Kitchen Classes:

And the Garden Classes:

You can also access these links through your class CLE page

If you haven’t already done so, please sign in with your email address and choose the times and dates that see you. Remember to get the most out of the program it is advisable that you volunteer for both the Garden AND Kitchen classes to help us to encourage the connection between the two areas of the program. This is really important and will help you to understand the learning journeys of our students.

Thanks again and see you soon.

The KGP team.