Our time in the kitchen and the garden.


Last week on Friday 19th we had a garden lesson. First our group fed the chickens with the compost bin scraps from the canteen. We had to take out all the egg shells from the compost because if the chickens eat the egg shell then they will start eating their own eggs and if they eat their own eggs we won’t get to cook with them in the kitchen. Later on, we harvested the spring onions. We had nothing else to do so we went to the group that was planting the carrots. After that the lesson was finished.


Every fortnight we have a kitchen lesson. Today we made pizza, pastries, salad, tahini cookies, and preserved lemons (which we didn’t eat). My group made the fattoush salad. It didn’t take long so for the rest of the time we set the tables and cleaned up. Then it was time to eat (yay) all of the food was delicious! It was a great program.

by: sian

5Bs Yummy and Exciting Adventure

On Tuesday July 23rd, 2013. The children in 5B had a kitchen lesson , we made caramelised leek and potato pizza, silverbeet and cheese triangles, a fattoush salad, and tahini cookies. We also made preserved lemons. My group (Miles, Jacob, Jessica and I) made the tahini cookies with the help of my Mum. The tahini cookies were delicious. Another group made preserved lemons but you don’t eat them, you let them sit in a jar and after 6 weeks you can cook with the lemon skin. The silverbeet and cheese were so crunchy and yummy. The caramelized leek and potato pizza was amazing, and so was the fattoush salad.

On Friday we went to the garden, it was so beautiful to see all the fruits and vegetables and flowers that we planted earlier in the year. Everyone heard what they had to do and went off to do it. My group (Rachel, Guy, Ethan, Toby, Zac, and I) planted kale. We also made worm tea by collecting the worms pee and mixing it with water. We also put straw around vegetables. Other groups made chilli pesticide, planted fruits and vegies and watered them.


5b in the Kitchen

On Tuesday July 23rd, 2013 we went to the kitchen to cook some yummy food. My group (group 5) made a fattoush salad with pitta crisps. They were amazing. i also thought the the potato pizza was brilliant i had about 3 pieces!!! the crisps had to cook for 15 minutes so we had nothing to do because we had finished everything else. I had four people from my family come into the kitchen. My Granny and Zaida from South Africa, my other Granny and my Dad. the Kitchen Garden Programme is so FUN!!!

5b in the kitchen Garden

5b went to the garden on Friday July 19th 2013. My group planted carrots and pulled out the ones that were ready to be cooked in the kitchen. We also put hay and lama poo in the carrot bed to help them grow. Another group got worm tea and put it all over the plants which have vitamins. Another group made pesticide which stops bugs eating the plants. In the kitchen we cooked pizza, preserved lemons, silver beat and cheese triangles, tahini cookies and fattoush salad.

Having fun in the kitchen garden.

Garden: In garden lessons there are 4 groups. I am in group 4. What we did was first cut 8 garlic cloves all together, than we cut 16 chillies. After we all cut them we put them in a cup and added boiling hot water and detergent. Once we had mixed it together we sprayed it on some plants. It was windy so half the spray went in our eyes. After we sprayed it we helped another group to get worm tea, which is worm pish. The lesson was nearly finished but before the bell went we talked about what we had done during that lesson.

Kitchen: In kitchen there are 5 groups I’m in group 2 we made silver beet and cheese triangle pastries. The ingredients that we used to make it were silver beet and cheese mixed together, pastry butter and egg. Then we put the silver beet and cheese mixture in it and then we folded it in the shape of a triangle. After that we put egg on top of it. I didn’t like the mixture so I made one with just pastry. After it was all cooked we sat down and ate everything. It is an amazing program.

 Toby L

chooks and beans

Today   we had an exciting time in the garden. The weather was bright, sunny but a little bit chilly.All the groups had different activities. Our group had two activities. The first was to feed the chooks, collect the eggs and fill the water can in the chook’s pen.

The next activity was to tie  strings to the bean and attach it to the teepee. This will help the beans grow.The bean plant was flowering.

One of our questions was- “How come the Brussel sprouts that we used yesterday in the kitchen were very small and the leaves were kind of open?”

4A Garden Experience

In the garden, on Wednesday we were the first class to dig up potatoes!!!! We didn’t know if we had any…..but there were 3 big ones! It was exciting. The skin was really good in colour and the potatoes had grown really well, I hope we find more.

Group four made organic pesticide, which is used to keep pests away. You need- 10 Chillies, 4 cloves of Garlic, 4 teaspoons of detergent and 1 litre of boiling water.


Finley chop the Garlic and the Chillies.

Add 2 teaspoons of detergent and 1L of boiling water.

Mix well and then pour in a jug.

Leave for 24 hours then strain and spray on plants.

We noticed garden bed 6 was really dry so we spread cow manure over it.

In the garden group 3 we planted Coriander. We were digging up the weeds but instead we found five gigantic Tunips!!! Then we planted the Coriander. We made a big teepee, with sticks for the Snowpeas to grow around. Hopefully the Coriander will grow, and our Snowpeas will be a success and yummy!!!!

Group 2 fed the chooks, cleared the egg shells and gave the chooks there scraps from the kitchen. We pulled out the old basil plants and put it in the chooks house. Using shovels we turned the soil upside down and made it flat ready for the next plants.

Group 1 started by pulling out some weeds then we squashed flowers and left them on the garden bed because it is good for the soil. We also put the mulch over the flowers. By doing this we have put nutrients in the garden to make the plants grow healthy.





Volunteer Thank You Afternoon Tea

The Year 4 and 5 students grew delicious vegetables and made yummy delights. Their efforts saw them produce delectable items such as beetroot and chocolate muffins, zucchini and chocolate cake along with rocket and chickpea dip to share with the volunteers of the Kitchen Garden Program (KGP) at a special thank you afternoon tea. Without the wonderful volunteers the program could not exist, again we thank you.
If you would like to volunteer please go to the Bilaik website to the “What’s On” tab and then “Bialik College Kitchen Garden” which is a link to the blog where you can sign up to volunteer spot for the KGP.

Fun in the Kitchen Garden 5B


On Friday the 7th of May, we had our first garden lesson with the chickens. Everyone was crowding around them, we all were so excited to meet them. After that, Julie explained what to do in the garden and we loved it. Also, everyone had a turn to go in to the chicken coop. The chickens seemed a little scared as the whole class tried to pick them up. It was fun and a great experience!


Every second Tuesday, we have a spectacular ‘kitchen garden’ lesson. We cook yummy foods. For example, pesto pasta, Pita with dips and julianne carrots, sring onion patties, and beans with fetta. It is a lot of fun, because we get to cook and eat the food, which makes it amazing. Some of the parents come to help us cook in the kitchen. We wonder what we will cook next fortnight.

Sian and Shosti 5B

Kitchen Garden Program

In the garden, the Year 4s and 5s plant and harvest fruits and vegetables.  We all can cook the foods in the kitchen and then we eat the food that we cooked. This week we made pasta with pesto, pita crisps with carrot and a dip, we also made spring onion patties. It was delicious.             

5B went to the garden when the chooks had arrived. Everyone was excited. We could not wait to go to the pen to meet and see them. We use the eggs that the chooks lay to cook with in the kitchen. The scraps and leftovers go directly to feed the chooks or into the compost, so nothing goes to waste.

By Scarlett and Blake 5B
