Happy Birthday Israel!

It’s Israel’s 68th birthday! To celebrate this wonderful day, the whole school is dressed in blue and white and enjoying a packed schedule of fun, laughter, film, music and learning. The morning began with an assembly for the Primary, Middle and Senior Schools, where the Year 10 class performed their traditional flag dance. Students participated in activities such as Israeli themed arts and crafts, Israeli dancing, make humus not war, as well as ‘Limmud Bialik’ – sessions with guest speakers to spark debate, insight and a deep understanding of Zionism and Judaism. There were games, concerts and, of course, a delicious lunch of falafel and shwarma. Yom Ha'atzmaut 2016 EATING 1 Yom Ha'atzmaut 2016 EATING 3 Yom Ha'atzmaut 2016 EATING 4 Yom Ha'atzmaut 2016 EATING

A flying squash!!!

Is it a pickle? Is it a green boomerang? No it’s a flying squash!!! Soaring over the chook pen in a wrestling match with the passionfruit vine!!!!

THIS HUGE (50cm wide) SQUASH IS NOW IN OUR TUMMIES! We turned it into yummy brown rice squash balls – to check out all of our recipes click on the “recipe” tag at the top, in the middle of this page.

Bella Black squash climbin chook pen

Fun Facts about Calcium

Calcium is an important nutrient that everybody needs to consume. It is important for kids to eat enough calcium so that they can build strong, healthy bones for the rest of their life. If you do not get enough calcium, bones will become fragile and will break easily. It is important for EVERYONE to have enough calcium.1herding-australian-shepherd

Kids need to have this much calcium:

  • 4-8 year olds: 700mg/day
  • 9-11 year old: 1000mg/day
  • 11-18 year olds: 1300mg/day

So how can I eat enough calcium?

To get enough calcium you can eat:

  • 4 cups of milk
  • 4 cups of soy milk
  • 7 cups of broccoli
  • 1.5 cups of canned salmon
  • 487 almonds
  • 13 cups of cooked spinach

Or you can just eat a mix of all these foods and more as a part of a healthy balanced diet

There are also some other things that you can do to keep your bones strong:

  • Do a little bit of exercise every day
  • Make sure you spend a little bit of time in the sun every day (although not too much because you will get sunburnt!)
  • Don’t eat too much salt or salty foods