Another fun classwith Eli Erez


Another fun class

The year 4’s got an opportunity to plant carrots, put straw around the strawberries and water the seedlings.

Our Kitchen is taking shape

Walking into our new Kitchen this morning, you could see the ovens already in place and the work stations that are almost ready for class. One could just imagine all the children working and engaging in their lessons, cooking meals and sharing a love for food.

Collaborating across the year levels

It’s wonderful to see the year 2 students working with the year 5 students in the Kitchen Garden.

Being productive in our garden

The students spent a warm day in the garden watering the seedlings, planting and learning…

Even the young ones are loving the garden!

Following in his mum’s footsteps, Lachie Hart so enjoyed his afternoon in the Kitchen Garden.

Our first working bee

Today was our first working bee at Bialik College’s Kitchen Garden. It was a glorious day and everyone had so much fun helping and using their ‘green fingers’ to plant seedlings, water the seedlings, remove the weeds and label the equipment.


The year 5 students in the garden

The year 5 students enjoyed their morning lesson in the garden where they got the opportunity to plant seedlings and do hands-on practical work.