Update on the Kitchen Garden

The primary school staff, together with the kitchen garden committee, have started engaging in a conversation surrounding the program. We were fortunate to have our two specialists join us for that conversation.

To find out more about our kitchen and garden specialist, click on ‘meet the specialists’ page.

Exciting Changes Taking Place

The earth is being ploughed in front of the school as plans get underway for a major landscaping redevelopment project that will include a planting garden for the Kitchen Garden project.

We hope to see as many of the community get involved with this exciting project as possible, whether with our initial focus on fundraising events and opportunities, or further down the track, volunteering to help work with the children, planting the garden and cooking in the kitchen. Watch this space for an update on developments!




“It is like the seed put in the soil – the more one sews, the greater the harvest” – Orison Swett Marden

Welcome to the Bialik College Kitchen Garden blog! As we look forward to developing green fingers and contributing to the sustainability of the project, we welcome you on our journey. Currently, we have progressed with the organisational phase and we anticipate building the garden as these words get written. Keep your eyes planted on this blog as we will soon be seeking the assistance of our very own ‘working bees’ to volunteer in developing our garden.