Garden 5B Group 2.


We (Daniel P, Daniel M, Devon, Poppy and Ashlee) are proud of our garden we have carrot lettuce, edible flowers, tomatoes. growing they are mostly companion plants. The data we collected was

– Soil Temperature 25 C 5 degrees less than air temperature.

– pH 7 we know is neutral

-moist 5 (not dry, not wet but , moist)



White Cabbage Moth

OrganicGardening.InMySanctuary.Net   A fabulous website with lots of organic gardening tips.

At the moment we are studying how to get rid of the White Cabbage Moth. We have got many great tips from this weblink –

This is a female because there are two spots on each front wing and the male has one.

White Cabbage Butterfly




Schools Tree Day 2015 – Get Outside and Grow!

Schools Tree Day 2015 – Friday July 24th

Bialik will mark this special day by expanding our indigenous garden (IG).

This will be our first Tree Day event. Students enthusiastically investigated how the Aboriginals harvested and used these plants. Hence the students selected the plants based on their

-suitability for the IG location taking into account, weather, soil conditions, available space an water

-smell, texture, edibility, medicinal properties, suitability for tool making and weaving


Happy Spring from all of the Year 4 and 5 students!!

Our garden is really coming alive with beautiful cherry blossom and lots of yummy Kumquats for us to try.  Today was the second week that we have donated the food we cooked to Youth Projects. We are very proud of our acts of kindness and we look forward to donating again in Term 4. Please refer below to the new dates when we will donate.

Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 November – classes 4A, 5B, 5C

Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 November – classes 4B, 5A, 4C

Thank you again for helping us in the kitchen garden program! We love sharing our classes and wouldn’t be able to do it without the volunteers.

Thank you from all of us in Year 4 and 5.

“The Kumquat is so bitter!” “I love that taste and the skin is chewy” “I have them all the time as they grow in our backyard!”


Coldest Melbourne winter in 26 years! Average 13.9C


An interesting article published in The Age on the first day of Spring.



Yuumm winter apples!!! apple

The original super food! The apple contain essential nutrients such as Vitamin C & B-complex, dietary fibre, calcium and potassium.

It’s true “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Some of the things that an apple does.

1. Controls insulin levels by releasing sugar slowly into the blood stream

2. Cleanses & detoxifies

3. Helps eliminate heavy metals such as lead & mercury

4. Reduces cholesterol levels

5. Helps prevent the formation of kidney stones

Most of the fibre & antioxidants are in the skin therefore you should eat organic apples which are wax free and have not been heavily sprayed with pesticides.

Have you had your apple today?