BBQing fresh harvest in garden class

During garden class today we harvested fresh carrots, potatoes and small broccoli heads, we flavoured them with herbs and straight away cooked them on the BBQ for all of our class! Everyone was excited and they were all eaten incredibly quickly! We loved it and next time will make pikelets and flavour them with items we harvest.


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Renowned Chef Stephanie Alexander Visits Bialik

The folks at the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden were so impressed with Bialik’s Kitchen Garden program that Stephanie herself decided to visit the College. The purpose of the visit was to film a series of instructional videos for her website, with the help of our students.

Stephanie spent the day cooking with groups of students from the ELC, Year 4 and 9. She showed the students how to create delicious dishes, including some healthy pizzas made in our very own outdoor wood-fired pizza oven. “It was really enjoyable as I learnt how to cook zucchini cannelloni, which I had never cooked or eaten before. Getting special tips from Stephanie Alexander was also fun,” said one Bialik student.

This was an incredible opportunity for our students to learn from one of Australia’s most renowned chefs, restaurateurs and authors. It was also the first time many of the students worked with a film crew, which was exciting in itself. One of our students commented, “I never knew filming was such a long process and requires so many different types of equipment such as lights, reflective disks and lots of different microphones.”

The day was a memorable one for Bialik students, as stated here by a student, “I enjoyed eating and chatting with new people and Stephanie Alexandrea was really nice.”

Zucchini cannoli made by the Year 4 students


“I never knew filming was such a long process and requires so many different types of equipment such as lights, reflective disks and lots of different microphones.”



“It was really enjoyable as I learnt how to cook zucchini cannelloni, which I had never cooked or eaten before. Getting special tips from Stephanie Alexander was also fun.”


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Stephanie made rice paper rolls with the students from the ELC


Happy Birthday Israel!

It’s Israel’s 68th birthday! To celebrate this wonderful day, the whole school is dressed in blue and white and enjoying a packed schedule of fun, laughter, film, music and learning. The morning began with an assembly for the Primary, Middle and Senior Schools, where the Year 10 class performed their traditional flag dance. Students participated in activities such as Israeli themed arts and crafts, Israeli dancing, make humus not war, as well as ‘Limmud Bialik’ – sessions with guest speakers to spark debate, insight and a deep understanding of Zionism and Judaism. There were games, concerts and, of course, a delicious lunch of falafel and shwarma. Yom Ha'atzmaut 2016 EATING 1 Yom Ha'atzmaut 2016 EATING 3 Yom Ha'atzmaut 2016 EATING 4 Yom Ha'atzmaut 2016 EATING

A flying squash!!!

Is it a pickle? Is it a green boomerang? No it’s a flying squash!!! Soaring over the chook pen in a wrestling match with the passionfruit vine!!!!

THIS HUGE (50cm wide) SQUASH IS NOW IN OUR TUMMIES! We turned it into yummy brown rice squash balls – to check out all of our recipes click on the “recipe” tag at the top, in the middle of this page.

Bella Black squash climbin chook pen