2022 Exhibition

The Concept of Connection.

Loris Malaguzzi, founder of the Reggio approach, believed that the challenge facing children today is to think how to interconnect. He stated that “this is the watchword for the present and the future – a word that we need to understand deeply and in all its forms. We need to do so keeping in mind that we live in a world made not of separate islands but of networks…”

After the last 2 years of lockdowns, the concept of “Connection” became the catalyst for our whole ELC investigation during 2022. Any concept or idea we have involves choices. The choice of this concept was chosen for its endless possibilities and not one prescribed outcome. We hoped that each investigation in each room would be authentic, a source of deep learning which would offer opportunities for children to engage in thoughtful ways.

Our children come to school asking questions. We observe and listen to the children because when they ask ‘why’ they are not simply expecting an answer from us. They are requesting the opportunity to find out for themselves. This attitude of a child means that they are real researchers. It is possible to destroy this attitude of research of our children with our quick answers and our certainty. We believe children ‘act’ upon the world in order to know it. Knowledge comes from actions which have been internalized. This construction and co-construction of knowledge is central to the Reggio Emilia approach. The role of the educator is to legitimise the children’s curiosity and knowledge.

As adults, we first explored the concept we were bringing to the children. We predicted and anticipated ideas as well as developed some questions. This research and planning by the adults both prior and throughout the investigation is critical to its success.

Our professional learning and planning allow a complex and interactive process in which teacher reflection and collaboration is viewed with the utmost importance. In fact, the process is parallel to the way that we see our children learning. Documentation as well as all the materials produced during observation is also of importance to our children as they can interpret and reinterpret their own experiences. Our seminar meetings give opportunity for teachers to share their documentation with others and to reflect, question and learn from the different perspectives of the other teachers in the group.

The investigations in this journal have taken place during 2022. What follows are not investigations in their entirety, but rather small vignettes, part of the process, from each level, as well as cross class groups in the Early Learning Centre. The investigations may have spanned a few weeks, months or even a year and some are still ongoing. Each investigation is documented through the recording of discussions and reflections by the children and their teachers, and through photographs and other languages. In this journal the children’s words are italicised, and many of the articles are prefaced by their own words.

“How complex are children’s ways of building knowledge, therefore how complex are the ways of capturing it.” (Reggio Emilia)

Click on the links below to access the classes:

Creche Aleph          Creche Bet          Creche Gimmel        Creche Dalet

Kinder 3 Aleph Kinder 3 Bet         Kinder 3 Gimmel 

Kinder 4 Aleph        Kinder 4 Bet         Kinder 4 Gimmel

Prep Aleph              Prep Bet              Prep Gimmel      

Year 1 Aleph           Year 1 Bet           Year 1 Gimmel         

Year 1 Jewish Studies